It is fascinating to watch Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas catching on - and used for business ideas large and small across the globe. With all the buzz about how to monetize this, how to monetize that, people are inevitably looking for an effective way to communicate their business ideas. The Business Model Canvas provides that right balance of visualization and rigor to get the ball rolling. What starts for many as a simple value exchange... ...quickly grows into a much broader view of an open business model. Without the right tools to express themselves, many innovators get bogged down early in showing how the idea works. Not Jörgen Dahlberg. Here's his idea. It's about putting on a profitable stage racing (mountainbiking) event in 2012: The first iteration of his idea ( found here ) began as a reality show. The second iteration builds out the value proposition and the potential partnerships needed. In the third iteration the author adds a...