A Tribute to Terry O'Brien

For Terry, in remembrance...

Such a man am I

Having strolled the shores of time, and taken in her view,
Never looking out too far, or spying in too near,
I have marveled at the waves, and how they wash away the years
For such a man am I

Yes, tears have been shed, and sadness has showed
Yet cheer reappeared soon after.
My life has been filled with much love, with much joy and laughter
For such a man am I

I have been blessed with community, with friendship and family
My home has welcomed happy hearts from places far and wide.
Sometimes they came in droves.  But I never stemmed the tide
For such a man am I

Mindful of each moment, of things that come to pass
I have learned from others wiser than me,
Imparting wisdom selectively
For such a man am I

My gifts to this world are my children
With pride, I have raised them well.
They too bear gifts, uniquely their own, as time continues to tell
For such a man am I

Time now to stroll more distant shores
New views to gaze upon.
My footprints will slowly wash away, but with yours, I carry on.
For such a man am I.

A. Harnden, January 2010


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