Still looking for that Dream Job?

Are we happier at work these days?

Recent research by Professor Rob Goffee, emeritus professor of organisational behaviour at London Business School, and Professor Gareth Jones, visiting professor at IE Business School tells us...
Nope, we're as disengaged as ever.

Not an encouraging thought given how much of our adult life we spend working.
So, what does that dream job look like?

When Goffee and Jones asked, we told them we want DREAMS.

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Are DREAMS too much to ask for? 
I find the proposed DREAMS framework heavily focused on the individual and his or her relationship with the corporation.  While these desired concepts certainly resonate - why wouldn't they? - seemingly overlooked is our desire to collaborate with each other, to work better together, to engage with our co-workers in meaningful ways.
Share what you think.
Here's a recent POV post from the Financial Times:
"While a lot of this book is clear-headed advice I worry that too much has been taken on face value and that the authors have listened too closely to senior executives rather than those lower down the company ladder. I cannot help but feel uneasy that discontent may be lurking below the surface of some of the happy workplaces they describe." 
This is the book based on the research conducted:


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